Tux Member Presentation
Roel Vertegaal: A Tux Member Presentation
2016-11-22 12:30 at DGP Lab: 40 St. George St., 5th Floor

Dr. Roel Vertegaal is a Professor of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at Queen’s University’s School of Computing in Kingston, Ontario, and director of the Human Media Laboratory. He is also CEO of Xuuk, inc., a startup that develops ubiquitous eye input applications. Roel’s first degree is in electronic music from Utrecht Conservatory in The Netherlands. He did an MSc in computing in Britain, studied design in the hague, and holds a PhD in HCI from Twente University. Roel is one of the world’s experts on eye communication between humans, and between humans and technology. His work on Attentive User Interfaces (AUI) [Google TechTalk] was featured in media across the globe, from Good Morning America to Scientific American. Roel helped create the first north-american conference on eye tracking (ACM ETRA), established alt.chi as the alternative papers venue at the annual ACM CHI conference and advised the National Academy of Sciences. his current interest is in Organic User Interfaces (OUI).
“In the near future, a computer will have any shape or form, and flexible computer displays will start appearing on any product of any form. These Organic User Interfaces will be completely embedded in real world interactions.”